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noun | adjective | noun | to phrases
loo [lu:] n
gen. 洗手间; 厕所
loo [lu:] adj.
desert. 【乌尔都语】 洛风 (热西风); 热尘风 (印度和巴基斯坦); 【乌尔都语】洛风 (热西风)
tech. 洛风
 English thesaurus
LOO [lu:] abbr.
abbr., busin. Loading Officer
abbr., leg.ent.typ. Lease-Develop-Operate (Natalya Rovina)
abbr., mil., air.def. Low Observable Object - малозаметный объект (Americanboy)
LOOS abbr.
abbr., inet. Lots Of Other Stuff
abbr., oil loose
loo [lu:] adj.
inf. lanterloo
UK toilet (commonly used by well-spoken people mrsgreen)
LOO [lu:] abbr.
abbr. Lesbian Owned and Operated
abbr., avia. Laghouat, Algeria
abbr., el. local optical oscillator
abbr., mil. Limited Offensive Operation; line of operation
mil. letter of offer
LoO [lu:] abbr.
abbr., mil. line of operations
Loo [lu:] adj.
police Lieutenant (сленг Val_Ships)
loo: 8 phrases in 5 subjects
Desert science3
Textile industry2