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China polit.
econ. int. law. 法令; 司法界
environ. 法规
hydroel.st. 法律; 定律; 法规
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comp., MS 繫結
- only individual words found

noun | verb | abbreviation | to phrases
law [lɔ:] n
gen. ; 定,法,规; 定〔守,法,规〕则; 法规〔令〕; 规程
agric. 法案
archit. 守则
auto. 法规
China, law 法度
China, polit. 具体的; 整体的; 法律学; 法学; 原理
earth.sc. 〔定〕律
econ., int. law. 法令; 司法界
hydroel.st. 法律; 定律; 法规
sport. 规律; 法则; 规则; 原则; 定理
Laws [lɔːz] n
bridge. "规则"
"Laws" n
mil. "劳斯" (号驱逐舰(美))
law individual, One of the rules making up the body of law [lɔ:] n
environ. 法规单独的, 组成的法律体系的其中的一个规则。
law [lɔ:] v
gen. 对…起诉; 控告
 English thesaurus
law [lɔ:] abbr.
abbr. light anti-tank weapon
law  combination of rules and principles of conduct made known by legislative authority; combination of rules and principles of conduct made known by legislative authority; Combination of rules and principles of conduct made known by legislative authority, derived from court decisions, and established by local custom
LAW [lɔ:] abbr.
abbr. Learning Attendance Welfare; Licensed Appropriation Of Wealth; League of American Writers; Light Antitank Weapon; Local Authority Workstation; the League of American Writers
abbr., avia. Lawton, Oklahoma USA; low altitude warning
abbr., BrE leading aircraftwoman
abbr., el. laser absorption wave
abbr., IT Local Area Wireless
abbr., mil. Legal Act of War; Light Anti-Tank Weapon; Lightweight Automated Howitzer; Land Attack Weapon
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Limited Access Wellhead
abbr., scient. Love And War
abbr., scottish Light Anti-armour / Anti-tank Weapon
ecol. low active waste
invest. lean against the wind
mil. library, amphibious warfare; light antiarmor weapon; light area weapon; light assault weapon; local air warning
tech. low-acid waste
Laws [lɔːz] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. lawsonite
Law [lɔ:] abbr.
abbr., oil lawsonite
law. abbr.
abbr. lawyer
LAW [lɔ:] abbr.
abbr., busin. lawyer
abbr., fin. liquidity adjustment window
Игорь Миг, abbr. RPG (советского пр-ва)
law binding: 1 phrase in 1 subject