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hydrogen sulphide
agric. 硫化氢 (H₂S)
eng.geol. 氢硫化物
met. 硫化氢 (H2S)
UN, chem. 硫化氢
hydrogen sulphide Flammable, poisonous gas with characteristic odour of rotten eggs, perceptible in air in a dilution of 0.002 mg/l. It is used as a reagent in chemical analysis; extremely hazardous; collapse, coma and death from respiratory failure may come within a few seconds after one or two inspirations; low concentrations produce irritation of conjunctiva and mucous membranes. Headache, dizziness, nausea, lassitude may appear after exposure, H2S
environ. 硫化氢 (易燃、有毒的气体,味道似腐臭的蛋,在空气中的浓度0.002 mg/L即可察觉。是化学分析中的试剂、危害性极高、在数秒内吸入一到二口硫化氢后可能产生呼吸衰竭、休克、和死亡;低浓度会造成结膜和黏液的刺激。若暴露其下可能会感到头痛、晕眩、恶心和厌倦。)
 English thesaurus
Hydrogen Sulphide
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. H2S
hydrogen sulphide
: 9 phrases in 5 subjects
Animal husbandry1
Oil / petroleum1