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hearing system The system that is concerned with the perception of sound, is mediated through the organ of Corti of the ear in mammals or through corresponding sensory receptors of the lagena in lower vertebrates, is normally sensitive in man to sound vibrations between 16 and 27.000 cycles per second but most receptive to those between 2.000 and 5.000 cycles per second, is conducted centrally by the cochlear branch of the auditory nerve, and is coordinated especially in the medial geniculate body
environ. 听觉系统 (与声音的认知有关,经由哺乳动物耳朵内的耳蜗接受器(Corti器官)或低等脊椎动物的瓶状知觉接收器传导的系统。正常情况下人可以感知到16-27000周每秒的音频,而对2000-5000周每秒之间的感知较为敏锐。听觉系统是由听觉神经中的耳蜗分支为中心主导,且由脑神经室的中央膝状体来专门协调。)
hearing system
: 4 phrases in 2 subjects