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green revolution
agric. 绿色革命
busin. 绿色革命指第三世界推广高产谷类作物品种的措施
econ. 绿色革命指农业生产的革命; 农业革命; "绿色革命"
green revolution The name given to the widespread development of high-yield strains of wheat, corn and rice during the 1960s and early 1970s. It was more formally known as the Indicative World Plan for Agricultural Development. The revolution came after the Food and Agricultural Organization held the World Food Congress in 1963. A "Freedom from Hunger" campaign was set up with the goal of increasing food supplies and solving the world's hunger problems
environ. 绿色革命 (1960年代至1970早期间对于米、谷物、小麦高产能品种的快速发展所给予的名称,它经常被当作是为了农业发展的互动性世界计划,革命一词是在1963年世界食品代表大会中由粮食和农业组织所提出。 以增加食物与解决世界饥饿问题为目的「免于饥饿」的战役亦被建立。)
green revolution: 7 phrases in 3 subjects
Name of organization1