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gimp [gɪmp] n
gen. 装饰衣服、家具的绒丝带; 嵌芯辫带; 花边粗线花纹; 哥特式建筑绒丝带式装饰; 加固钓鱼丝; 唱片录音时外噪声; 精神; 活力; 瘸子; 跛行; 高领女内衣
tech. 操作噪声
telecom. 绞合线
textile 镶边带; 嵌线; 辫带; 装饰用镶边带; 披肩; 薄纱; 装饰用嵌芯辫带; 花边图案粗廓线
 English thesaurus
GIMP [gɪmp] abbr.
abbr. Gamma Irradiated Man Of Plastic; Guy In Manly Pants; General / GNU Image Manipulation Program (Linux, Graphik, GNU)
abbr., inet. Good Intentions, Malicious People
abbr., progr., IT Gnu Image Manipulation Program; Graphical Image Manipulation Program
abbr., relig. God Is My Pride
GIMPS abbr.
abbr., file.ext. Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search
gimp: 19 phrases in 2 subjects
Textile industry16