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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
geos [dʒɔs] n
textile 乔斯大衣呢
geo- n
gen. 词头地球; 大地; ; ; 地球; 土地; 地理; 地质
anim.husb. 构成成分
geo ['dʒɪ:ə(u)-] n
gen. 海湾
tech. 海门口; 深峡海湾; 陡峭海岸的狭海湾; 陡壁峡口; 长狭潮道
Geo ['dʒɪ:ə(u)-] n
auto. GM 公司奇奥部
Geos [dʒɔs] n
gen. 吉奥斯卫星
"GEOS" abbr.
mil. "地球轨道测地卫星" (科研卫星(西欧))
 English thesaurus
GEO ['dʒɪ:ə(u)-] abbr.
abbr. Gaming Enthusiast Online; Global Engagement Operations; Georgian; Geology
abbr., astronaut. geostationary orbit
abbr., avia. geostationary Earth orbit; geographic reference system
abbr., biotechn. Gen Expression Omnibus (Altuntash); genetically modified organism
abbr., el. geostationary; Gunn effect oscillator
abbr., file.ext. Geode (GEOS executable, Geoworks); GoldED for OS/2 compiled config file (GED2.EXE Vosoni)
abbr., genet. genetically engineered organism
abbr., IT geostationary earth orbit (Bricker)
abbr., meteorol. Gene Expression Omnibus
abbr., mil. Geosynchronous Earth Orbit; geosynchronous Earth orbit; geosynchronous (Киселев voen93)
abbr., mil., avia. geographic
abbr., nautic. Georgetown, Guiana
abbr., O&G, sakh. Government Executive Order (сах. Sakhalin Energy)
abbr., oil geophone
abbr., scottish Geostationery Earth Orbit
airports, abbr. Georgetown, Guyana
univer., abbr. Geography
geo ['dʒɪ:ə(u)-] abbr.
abbr. geodesy
Geo ['dʒɪ:ə(u)-] abbr.
abbr., oil Georgia; Georgetown
Geo. abbr.
abbr. George; Georgia
abbr., earth.sc. geological
GEOS abbr.
abbr., astronaut. Global Earth Observation System
abbr., earth.sc. geodetic satellite; Geometric Earth Orbiting Satellite; geostationary orbiting satellite
abbr., ed., scient. Global Educational Opportunities And Services
abbr., el. geosynchronous earth orbit satellite
abbr., file.ext. Graphic Environment Operating System (Geoworks)
abbr., media. Global Episode Opinion Summary
abbr., nautic., scient. Geodynamics Experimental Ocean Satellite
abbr., oil geophysical survey system; graphic exploration of the subsurface
abbr., opt. geosynchronous Earth observation system
abbr., progr., IT Genetic Engineering Operating System
abbr., rem.sens. geodetic orbiting satellite
abbr., scottish Geodetic Earth Orbiting Satellite; Geodynamic Experimental Ocean Satellite (USA)
abbr., space geodetic satellites; geodynamics and earth ocean satellite; geostationary earth orbiting satellite; geostationary scientific satellite
abbr., UN, cartogr. Global Earth observation system
mil. geostationary earth-orbiting satellite
GEOs abbr.
abbr., astronaut. Geosynchronous equatorial orbits (semfromshire)
geos: 77 phrases in 27 subjects
Air defense2
Animal husbandry1
Company name2
Desert science4
Earth sciences14
Explosives and Explosive Ordnance Disposal3
Hydroelectric power stations1
Oil / petroleum7
Project management1
Textile industry3
United Nations4
Wind Energy1