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water.res., ecol. 生态系统型
ecosystem type
agric. 生态系统[类]型
space 生态系统
tech. 生态系统型; 生态系统类型
ecosystem type Ecosystems can be classified according to various criteria: from the point of view of energy source, two major types of ecosystems can be distinguished. Autotrophic ecosystems have primary producers as a principal component and sunlight has the major initial energy source; etherotrophic ecosystems depend upon preformed organic matter that is imported from autotrophic ecosystems elsewhere. Ecosystems can also be classified in terrestrial, marine and freshwater
environ. 生态系统类型 (根据不同的标准可将生态系统进行分类:从能量的角度,可将生态系统分成两种不同的类型。自养生态系统以初级生产者为主要组成,阳光为主要能量来源;异养生态系统则依赖来自于自养生态系统中的有机物质。生态系统也可以按陆地、海洋和淡水来划分。)
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Earth sciences1