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ecological niche
agric. 生态小境
anim.husb. 生物生态位; 生态小生境某一生物占据的小的生态区域
desert. 生态龛位
el. 生态小环境; 生境
fishery 生态学小生境
genet. 生态龛
ichtyol. 生态的位
life.sc. 栖息地
nautic., econ. 生态位
tech. 生态小生境; 生态适宜环境; 生境龛
UN, biol., sec.sys. 小生境
ecologic niche
el. 生态小环境; 生境
oil 生态境
tech. 生态小生境; 生态位; 生态适宜环境; 小生境; 生境龛
ecological niche 1. The space occupied by a species, which includes both the physical space as well as the functional role of the species. 2. Ecological niche refers to the characteristics of an environment that provides all the essential food and protection for the continued survival of a particular species of flora or fauna. In addition to food and shelter, there is no long-term threat to existence in that place from potential predators, parasites and competitors. The concept of the ecological niche goes a long way beyond the idea of the species habitat
environ. 生态地位 (1. 由某一物种所占据的空间,包括物理空间和物种的功能角色。 2. 生态地位是指为某一特定动植物物种继续生存提供食物或保护的环境特征。除食物及庇护外,在这个环境中也不存在对生存构成长期威胁的潜在捕食者、寄生虫以及竞争者。生态地位的概念已经超越了物种栖息地的提法。)
ecological niche
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects