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crack down on
 crack down on
gen. 采取严厉措施; 制裁; 镇压; 严惩
| the
gen. ; ; 表示某特定的或不言而喻的人或事物; 泛指一类; 或概括地说
| production and sale
 production and sale
China law 生产销售
| of
| counterfeit goods
 counterfeit goods
exhib. 假冒品
| false advertising
 false advertising
busin. 虚假的广告宣传
| commercial
adv. 电视广告
| fraud
gen. 骗子
| pyramid schemes
 pyramid scheme
fin. 金字塔骗局
| including
busin. 包括
| pyramid schemes
 pyramid scheme
fin. 金字塔骗局
| in
| disguised
econ. 隐蔽的
| forms
| tax evasion
 tax evasion
IMF. 偷税漏税
| tax fraud
 tax fraud
tech. 偷漏税
| smuggling and sale of smuggled goods
 smuggling and sale of smuggled goods
tech. 走私贩私活动

to phrases
crack down on [kræk ˈdaʊn ɒn]
gen. 对…采取严厉措施; 制裁; 镇压; 严惩
 English thesaurus
crack down on [kræk ˈdaʊn ɒn]
gen. to start dealing with bad or illegal behaviour in a more severe way (The library is cracking down on people who lose their books. cambridge.org); to take strong action to stop something (The law limits engine idling to four minutes, but there aren’t enough police officers to crack down on the problem. cambridge.org); if people in authority crack down on a group of people, they become stricter in making the group obey rules or laws (The police are cracking down on motorists who drive too fast. collinsdictionary.com); to start dealing with someone or something much more strictly (The school is cracking down on smoking. macmillandictionary.com)
crack down on: 8 phrases in 3 subjects