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noun | verb | to phrases
cocooning [kə'kuːniŋ] n
gen. ; 封存; 保护措施喷涂一层塑料物质; 闭门独处的茧式生活方式
agric. 结茧
anim.husb. 营茧; 窝茧
archit. 防护措施
oil 防护喷层
plast. 蚕茧状喷涂包装; 蚕茧状防护喷涂层
tech. 塑料披盖; 茧状包覆; 保护措施; 速率披盖
cocooning [kə'kuːniŋ] v
gen. 作茧; 在…上喷上一层塑料防护喷层
cocoon [kə'ku:n] v
gen. 作茧; 包裹住; 封存; 喷涂一层塑料以防锈蚀; 飞机,引擎,车辆等完全盖住以防库存时生锈
archit. 做防护层
 English thesaurus
cocooning [kə'kuːniŋ] n
mil. The spraying or coating of an aircraft or equipment with a substance, e.g., a plastic, to form a cocoon - like seal against the effects of the atmosphere
mil., logist. An operation consisting in covering equipment with a wrapping to protect it against the action of atmospheric factors. Also called "plastic spray packaging". (FRA)
cocooning: 25 phrases in 3 subjects
Animal husbandry18