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.chm abbr.
IT HTML 文件名后缀经过编译后的超文本 标记语言 (HTML) 文件的扩展名
 English thesaurus
chm abbr.
abbr. chairman; chamber
abbr., busin. chemical
chess.term. checkmate
chm. abbr.
abbr. chairwoman
CHM abbr.
abbr. Children's Hospital of Michigan; Mari; Chest Hair Moment; Clearing House Mechanism ('More); cyclohexylmercaptan
abbr., auto. cold mixture heater
abbr., avia. chime (Interex)
abbr., avia., med. complex harmonic motion
abbr., chess.term. CheckMate
abbr., comp. Compressed HTML (Dmitry)
abbr., ed., scient. College of Human Ecology
abbr., el. chemical milling; cable headend manager; change mode; changeover and changeback message; channel multiplexer
abbr., health. Christian Healthcare Ministries; complementary and herbal medicines (CRINKUM-CRANKUM)
abbr., IT Compiled HTML file
abbr., med. College of Human Medicine; Commission on Human Medicines (kat_j); chemical assay; Council on Health Manpower
abbr., mil. Company Havildar Major
abbr., org.name. Clearing-House Mechanism
abbr., plast. cyclohexylmethacrylate
abbr., polym. cyclohexyl methacrylate
abbr., scottish Civilian Hood Mask
airports, avia. Chimbote, Peru
chem., ed., scient. Chemistry
tech. channel modulator
Chm. abbr.
abbr. chemistry; chemical
ChM abbr.
abbr., med. Master of Surgery (Chirurgiae Magister)
abbr., oil chemical machining
Chmn abbr.
abbr. chairman
chm: 1 phrase in 1 subject