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biomass energy
agric. 生命体能量
bioenerg. 生物质能; 生物能源
ecol. 生物团能量
el. 生物能; 生物量能
biomass energy A renewable energy source that makes use of such biofuels as methane (biogas) generated by sewage, farm, industrial, or household organic waste materials. Other biofuels include trees grown in so-called "energy forests" or other plants, such as sugar cane, grown for their energy potential. Biomass energy relies on combustion and therefore produces carbon dioxide; its use would not, therefore, alleviate the greenhouse effect
environ. 生物质能iciba生物量能量台, 可再生能源,利用生物燃料,例如从污水、农业、工业、或家庭产生的有机废弃物中得到甲烷(沼气)。其他生物燃料包括在"能源森林"中生长的树或其他的植物,例如甘蔗,增长为他们的能源潜力。生物质能依靠燃烧,因此生产二氧化碳;因此,它的利用不能缓和温室效应。
biomass energy
: 3 phrases in 3 subjects
Explosives and Explosive Ordnance Disposal1