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Astro ['æstrəu] n
bridge. 阿斯特罗扣叫; 阿斯特罗争叫
astro- abbr.
gen. ; 天体; 宇宙飞船; 太空旅行
pref. 星形; 宇宙; 天文
astro-с abbr.
space 天文卫星 C (日本,现名 Ginga)
 English thesaurus
Astro ['æstrəu] abbr.
abbr., space advanced spacecraft truck trainer transport reusable orbiter
Astro. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. astrometry
astro ['æstrəu] abbr.
abbr., space aerodynamic spacecraft two-stage reusable orbiter
ASTRO ['æstrəu] abbr.
abbr. Always Stating The Really Obvious (Interex)
abbr., astronaut. advanced spacecraft truck, trainer, transport reusable orbiter
abbr., avia. aerodynamic spacecraft two stage reusable orbiter; air space travel research organization; autonomic logistic support team regional office
abbr., el. Advanced Semiconductor Technology Research Organization
abbr., med. American Society For Therapeutic Radiology And Oncology
abbr., mil. Army Space Technology and Research Office
abbr., oncol., med. American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology
abbr., space aerodynamic spacecraft twostage reusable orbiter; artificial satellite time and radio orbit; automated scheduling tools for range operations; autonomous space transporter and robotic orbiter; autonomous space transport robotic operations satellite; Autonomous Space Transfer and Robotic Orbiter
mil. Army strategic and tactical reorganization objective
astron. abbr.
abbr. astronomy
astro: 46 phrases in 13 subjects
Air defense1
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Rugby football1
Textile industry1
United States2