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aircraft load rating
avia. 飞机额定载荷 (表示飞机结构载荷对跑道铺面影响程度的数字。飞机额定载荷表示在刻度盘上从数字1 (飞机最低要求),到数字12 (飞机最高要求)。当代飞机的 ALR 值根据特定胎压和最大最小飞行重量来设定。对于无限制飞行操作,ALR 值不能超过额定载荷 (PLR)。加拿大使用了一套独特的、根据飞机跑道强度要求对飞机进行分类的 ALR 系统,而国际公用的飞机跑道强度要求则使用国际民航组织飞机分类号 (ICAO ACN )编码)
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aircraft load rating
avia., Canada A number expressing the relative structural loading effect of an aircraft on a pavement. ALRs are expressed on a scale from 1 least demanding aircraft to 12 most demanding aircraft. ALRs have been assigned to present-day aircraft at their maximum and minimum operating weights and at a specific tire pressure. The ALR should not exceed the pavement load rating PLR for unrestricted aircraft operations. The ALR system for ranking aircraft in terms of their pavement-strength requirements is used exclusively in Canada. For the international reporting of aircraft pavement- strength requirements, the ICAO ACN code is used.