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noun | verb | abbreviation | to phrases
ail [eɪl] n
gen. 稻、麦等谷物的芒
ail [eɪl] v
gen. 使苦〔烦〕恼; 闹病; 不舒服
perf. 【法】大蒜
 English thesaurus
ail. abbr.
abbr., avia. aileron
AIL [eɪl] abbr.
abbr. aileron; Artificial Intelligence Laboratory; Associate of the Institute of Linguists
abbr., avia. Airbus Information Letter (Interex); aeronautical instruments laboratory; airborne instrument laboratory; aviation integration laboratory
abbr., BrE air intelligence liaison
abbr., chem., scient. Application Interface Language
abbr., el. absolute interferometric laser; achromatic interferometric lithography; audio input level; audio interface library; avalanche injection laser
abbr., law Artificial Intelligence And Law
abbr., media. Alcohol Induced Literature
abbr., mil. Action Item List
abbr., mil., avia. advanced information leaflet
abbr., scottish Advanced Information Leaflets; Airborne Instruments Laboratory; Avionics Integration Laboratory
abbr., textile American Institute of Laundering
abbr., tradem. Airborne Instrument Laboratories
mil. advanced information letter; aviation instrument laboratory
tech. argon ion laser
AIL [eɪl] abbr.
abbr., oil acoustic impedance log; artificial intelligence language
abbr., oncol. angiocentric immunoproliferative lesion (iwona)
ail: 4 phrases in 4 subjects
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