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 English thesaurus
WCS abbr.
abbr. Wildlife Conservation Society; With Complementary Slackness; World Class Service; Worldwide Christian Schools; World Conservation Strategy; Writable Control Store (VAX, DEC)
abbr., automat. wear control system; writable control storage
abbr., avia. warning and caution system; waveguide communication system; wing center section; wing center station; writeable control storage
abbr., commun. Wireless Communication Service (Лорина)
abbr., el. writable control store (ssn); Wang computer system; wireless communications system
abbr., inet. Woulda Coulda Shoulda
abbr., IT Web Cabinet System; Wide Character String; Windows Color System; Wireless Communication Services; Wireless Coupon System; world coordinate system
abbr., logist. Wireless Communications Service
abbr., math., scient. Well Close Square
abbr., med. White Clot Syndrome; Wisconsin Card Sort (test); Worst Case Scenario
abbr., mil. Weapons Control Status; Weapons Control System; World Coordinate System
abbr., mil., avia. warning and control system; weapon control status
abbr., monk. West Coast Swing
abbr., O&G, sakh.a. wellhead control system
abbr., scottish Waveguide Communications System; Weapon Control System
abbr., sport. Wisconsin Challenge Series; World Championship Series; Wymondham College Skateboarders
abbr., st.exch. Wallace Computer Services, Inc.
abbr., UN Working Coordinate System
mil. weapon control station; weapons control status; weapons control system; work control system
O&G wellhead control section
tech. waste compaction station; weapons control station; wire free communications system
WCS abbr.
abbr., avia. wavelength channel selector; wireless communication system
abbr., comp., net. Web coverage service
abbr., earth.sc. wave climate study
abbr., el. writeable control store (ssn)
abbr., oil waveform correlation start; Well Control School; wet chamber system; wireline conveyance system
abbr., space waste collection system; waste control system
WCS: 1 phrase in 1 subject