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 English thesaurus
VG abbr.
abbr. Veterans Gambler; The Vanilla Girls; Vicar General; Virtual Garden; Very Good condition; Vicar-General (Vosoni); Volume Group (LVM); genetic variance
abbr., auto. Voice Guidance (навиг. сист. translator911)
abbr., avia. velocity-gravity; vertical acceleration
abbr., bible.term., scient. Vegetaz Girl
abbr., cardiol. left ventricle (iwona)
abbr., comp., net., IT Virtual Graffiti
abbr., el. Vacuum Generators Ltd.; vapor growth; variable-geometry; vertical guidance; video graphics; virtual ground; voicegram
abbr., food.ind. Veggie Gourmet
abbr., geochem. visible gold (Atenza)
abbr., inet. Virtually Gone
abbr., IT Virtual Graphics
abbr., law Verdens Gang
abbr., med. vestibular ganglia (ННатальЯ); ventricular gallop
abbr., mil. Variable Geometry
abbr., mil., avia. variable gain
abbr., numism. Very Good
abbr., O&G, sakh. View Graph
abbr., org.name. Voluntary Guidelines to Support the Progressive Realization of the Right to Adequate Food in the Context of National Food Security
abbr., polit. Virgin Islands
abbr., product. Gas Vapor (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., progr., IT Vicious Gaming
abbr., scottish Vertical Gyro
abbr., tech. viscosity grade (13.05); ventilated garment; vertical gyro; vertical gyro-indicator
abbr., textile Varshamov Gilbert
abbr., tradem. Velvet Goldmine
meteorol., abbr. vertical gust
mil., abbr. Vickers gun; velocity gain
tech., abbr. voltage gain
Vg abbr.
abbr. gas volume
el.com. Slightly more than normal wear, noticeable marks, scratches, still functional (Ebay); a "C" grade (Ebay)
tech. group velocity
vg abbr.
abbr. average specific volume of flue gas; very good (Vosoni)
abbr., med. vestigial
Vg+ n
el.com. Normal wear for its age, noticeable marks or scratches, still fully functional (Ebay)
VG abbr.
abbr. vector genome (Геном вектора - количественно выражаемая единица трансфекции. (Как пример - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15298029) Wolfskin14); vector generator; voice gateway; voice grade
abbr., avia. vacuum generator; validity generalisation; velocity generator; videography
abbr., earth.sc. vertical gyro (scope)
abbr., oil velocity gravity; vent groove; vertical gain; vertical gradient; viscosity gradient; viscosity-gravity
abbr., space vortex generator
cinema An IMDb notation to indicate that a particular title is a video game.
: 8 phrases in 5 subjects
Computer networks2
Information technology1