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Trp abbr.
chem. 色氨酸
tRP abbr.
IT 行预充电时间 (row precharge time)
 English thesaurus
Trp abbr.
abbr. tryptophane; Troops
abbr., med. tryptophan (and its radicals)
chem. Tryptophane aminoacid (Vosoni)
genet. tryptophan (dimock)
Trp. abbr.
abbr., anim.husb. tryptophan; tryptophane
TRP abbr.
abbr. Technology Reinvestment Program; Treasury Recovery Probability; trade pattern; tripped; tripping
abbr., automat. tool recovery procedure; tool requirements planning
abbr., avia. terminal rendezvous point; threat-recognition processor; triple propeller; tuition refund program; temporary rust preventive; test requirements package; thrust rate panel; thrust rating panel; TV remote pickup
abbr., avia., Canada tower radar plan
abbr., busin. Tax Reference Price
abbr., ed. Total physical responce (Johnny Bravo); total physical response (Johnny Bravo)
abbr., ed., scient. Team Research Project
abbr., el. Technology Reinvestment Project; trace program; transmission reference point
abbr., fant./sci-fi. The Real Picard
abbr., goldmin. tailings re-treatment plant (MichaelBurov); tailings retreatment plant (MichaelBurov)
abbr., med. Transfer Ribonucleic Acid Proline; Trichorhinophalangeal (syndrome); transpiration; tubular reabsorption of phosphate
abbr., meteorol. Target Rating Points; The Railroad Press
abbr., mil. target reference point
abbr., O&G, casp. temporary refugee point (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., oil treating pressure
abbr., oncol., med. Transient Receptor Potential
abbr., scottish Technology Reinvestment Program / Project (USA); Threat Recognition Processor (US Navy)
abbr., space thrust-rating panel
abbr., st.exch. TransCanada Pipelines, LTD.; target-to-real price ratio (соотношение целевой и реальной цены mizgertina)
abbr., tech. timer reference point
abbr., UN, AIDS. Technical Review Panel
Apollo-Soyuz, abbr. total received power
mil., abbr. table of replaceable parts; threat recognition processor; time reference point; track reporting post; traffic regulation point
tech. television remote pickup
tech., abbr. thermoplastic recording
trp. abbr.
abbr. troop; tropical
trp abbr.
abbr., mil. troop TRP
mil. troop (сокр., рота в разведывательных подразделениях ВС США ochernen)
TrP abbr.
abbr., med. treatment plan
: 8 phrases in 3 subjects
Animal husbandry2