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TVD abbr.
abbr. Temperature, Velocity, Depth; Theater of Military Operations (FSU); top visible dewlap
abbr., avia. toxic vapor disposal
abbr., commer. transit vehicle depot; transport vehicle depot
abbr., dril. total vertical depth (MichaelBurov); total verticle depth; true verticle depth
abbr., el. total virus defense
abbr., el., scient. DVD for Television
abbr., geol., scient. Tennessee Valley Divide
abbr., IT True Vertical Depth
abbr., med. Transmissible Virus Dementia; Triple Vessel Disease
abbr., mil., avia. terminal velocity dive
abbr., nano thermal vapor deposition
abbr., O&G true vertical depth (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Total Vertical Depth; true vertical depth
abbr., oil target depth; True Vertical Depth Log (glenfoo); time variable deconvolution; total variation diminishing; true vertical direction
abbr., physiol., med. Tricuspid Valve Dysplasia
abbr., sec.sys., IT Total Virus Defence
abbr., transp. Torque Velocity Dynamometer
mil. tactical visual display; toxic vapor detector
tech. temporary visual display
TVD -- abbr.
abbr. true vertical depth
TvD abbr.
O&G Time vs. Depth (tat-konovalova)
TVD: 1 phrase in 1 subject