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gen. 独粒宝石; 独粒宝石 的首饰; 单人象棋; 隐士; 独居者; 自杀
cryptogr. 纸牌
sport. 单人纸牌戏; 单人跳棋
| file
gen. 档案
Bitmap graphics
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

to phrases
solitaire ['sɔlɪ'teə] n
gen. 独粒宝石〔钻石〕; 独粒宝石〔钻石〕 的首饰; 单人象棋〔球戏,纸牌戏〕; 隐士; 独居者; 自杀
cryptogr. 纸牌
sport. 单人纸牌戏; 单人跳棋
textile 单颗宝石; 镶嵌单颗宝石的饰物如耳环、戒指等; 索立台儿缎带; 单石戒指
Solitaire: 8 phrases in 5 subjects
Animal husbandry1
Computer games1
Desert science3
Textile industry2