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noun | adjective | abbreviation | to phrases
sage [seɪʤ] n
gen. 哲人; 贤人; 年高望重的人; 药用鼠尾草; 洋苏草; 蒿属植物; 一串红; 山艾; 鼠尾草绿; 灰绿色
anim.husb. 鼠尾草属 (Salvia)
biol. 鼠尾草属 (Salvia L.,唇形科); 鼠尾草 (Salvia japonica Chunb.)
bot. 鼠尾草 Salvia officinalis; 洋苏草 Salvia officinalis; 凤梨鼠尾草 Salvia officinalis
desert. 香料草 (菊科蒿属的简称)
perf. 西班牙鼠尾草; 香紫苏; 鼠尾草
sage [seɪʤ] adj.
gen. 贤〔聪〕明的; 明智的; 审慎的; 一本正经的
 English thesaurus
SAGE [seɪʤ] abbr.
abbr. Self Assessment Group Evaluation; Sharing Across Generations For Enrichment; Significant Activities For Generating Excellence; Storytelling Agent Generation Environment; Supplementary Activities for Grassroots Activities, Etc.; Scientific Advisory Group on Effects; Semi-Automatic Ground Environment system (OS, IBM AN/FSQ7, Mil.); Software Aided Group Environment (GSS, NUS)
abbr., chem., scient. Solvent Alternatives Guide
abbr., comp. Scalable Adaptive Graphics Environment (harser)
abbr., ed. Science: A Great Adventure
abbr., ed., scient. Student Alliance For Georgia's Environment; Student Attendance Grading Enrollment; Students Acting For Gender Equality
abbr., el. semi-automatic ground environment (system); semi-automatic ground equipment; simulation for asynchronous gate element; switching architecture for gigabit Ethernet
abbr., genet. serial analysis of gene expression
abbr., IT Simulation And Advanced Gaming Environments
abbr., Makarov. simulated annealing guided evaluation
abbr., med. Savings And Growth For Education; Serial Analysis Of Gene Expression
abbr., mil. Semi Automated Ground Environment; Semi-Automatic Ground Environment (NORAD early warning system); Semi Automatic Ground Environment
abbr., mil., avia. semi-automated ground environment
abbr., mol.biol. Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (серийный анализ экспрессии генов GhostLibrarian)
abbr., nautic., scient. Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment
abbr., oil U.K. Scottish Area Gas Evacuation (Yakov)
abbr., polit. Supplementary Activities for Grassroots, Etc.
abbr., sec.sys., IT Security Algorithms Group Of Experts
abbr., sport. Soccer And Gambling Exchange; Special Addition To Gaming Environment; Strategy Action Game Engine
abbr., tech. semiautomatic ground environment
abbr., transp. Special Alternatives to Gasolene Experiment
mil. Semiautomatic Ground Environment (Radar)
tech. stratospheric aerosol gas experiment
SAGES abbr.
abbr., med. Signal-averaged Electrocardiographic ECG Study; Society Of American Gastrointestinal And Endoscopic Surgeons; South African Gastroenterology Society
SAGE [seɪʤ] abbr.
abbr. surveillance air ground environment system
abbr., comp.name. Saudi Arabian Gas Engineering Co.
abbr., health. Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Miyer)
abbr., med. Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization (capricolya)
abbr., mil. semi-automatic ground environment system (system)
abbr., oil Scottish Area Gas Evacuation (pipeline); shared access to group expertise; Summer of Applied Geophysical Experience
abbr., space semi-automatic ground environment computer; semi-automatic ground system; stratospheric aerosol and gas experiment satellite
Sage: 187 phrases in 20 subjects
Air defense1
Animal husbandry13
Desert science91
Earth sciences1
Oil / petroleum1
Reproductive biology1
Textile industry7
Traditional medicine1