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SQ abbr.
abbr. Albanian; Semtech; Singapore Quality; Slum Queen; Snow Queen; Social Quotient; SQuat; SQuire; Standard Quantity; Status Quo; Super Queer; Shielded Quart (cable); Signal Quality Detector (EIA-232-E); Stupidity Quotient
abbr., avia. squall; squelch; scheduling quotation; Singapore Airlines
abbr., BrE staff qualified
abbr., commun. Signal Quality detect
abbr., comp., net., IT SQuare
abbr., comp.name. Shell Qatar Oil Co.
abbr., dril. squeeze (as in "cement squeeze", where casing is selectively perforated and cement pumped into the perforations)
abbr., earth.sc. secondary quartzites; signal quality; site qualities; South Qinling; squamosal bone
abbr., ed., scient. Study Questions
abbr., el. signal quality; scalar quantizer; special queue; stable queue; stereo-quadraphonic
abbr., file.ext. Squeezed (files)
abbr., IT Service Quality; Synchronization Queue
abbr., manag. site query
abbr., media. Stereo Quadraphonic
abbr., mil. Super Quiet
abbr., mil., avia. heavy squadron
abbr., nucl.phys. Q-response bit
abbr., oil seals questionable; sequestrants; squeezing; squeeze
abbr., physiol. SQuamous
abbr., physiol., med. Squamous; Subcutaneous
abbr., radio, scient. Sound Quality
abbr., radio.amat. seek you
abbr., relig. Spiritual Quotient
abbr., scottish Super Quick (Fuzes); System Qualifier
abbr., space software quality
abbr., sport. strength quotient
abbr., transp. Speed Quality
energ.ind. significant quantity
mil. safety quotient; sick quarters; squadron; superquick; survival quotient
tech. selected quality
sq. abbr.
abbr. semiquarterly
abbr., avia. squadron
abbr., earth.sc. sequence
abbr., libr. sequent
construct. square
lat. Sequens ("next")
Sq abbr.
abbr. Sig O , squadron signal officer; square
abbr., earth.sc. squamosum
abbr., mil., avia. special activities squadron; special air mission squadron
sq abbr.
O&G m square meter; yd square yard
polym. sequence
sq μ abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. square micron
: 19 phrases in 5 subjects
Hydroelectric power stations9
Textile industry1