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SCT abbr.
chem. 简单碰撞理论
 English thesaurus
SCT abbr.
abbr. Schottky Clamped Transistor; Single-Channel Terminal; Site Control Team (SEIC ABelonogov); Special Consumption Tax (oVoD); structural clay tile; Surface Charge Transistor; special characters table; system communication table; standard compaction test; system component test
abbr., astr., scient. Schmidt Cassegrain Telescope
abbr., astronaut. Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope
abbr., avia. Socotra, Republic of Yemen; staff continuation training; spindle cutting time; status change telex; supersonic commercial transport; surface charge technology
abbr., bank. SEPA Credit Transfer (albelkin)
abbr., chem. soluble condensed tannins (Tiny Tony)
abbr., comp. surface-controlled transistor
abbr., comp.name. Short Compression Test (Сопротивление сжатию на коротком расстоянии Gintaras8182); Shanghai Container Terminals Limited
abbr., earth.sc. scanner timer; slowly changing turbulent
abbr., econ. service counter terminal
abbr., el. satellite-based cellular transmission; scan conversion tube; semiconductor curve tracer; serial clock transmit; service circuit terminal; service circuit type; SKYLAB communications terminal; slow charge transfer mode; smart card terminal; sound carrier trap; source coding term; spectral control technique; storage control table; subscriber carrier terminal; subsystem control table; surface charge transport; surface current transport; synchronous clock transmitter; system call table; system compatibility test; system confidence test; system configuration table
abbr., el., scient. SciTex continuous tone image format
abbr., electr.eng. short-circuit; superconducting transformer
abbr., fin. serial correlation test
abbr., hydroel.st. standard compation test
abbr., immunol. Single Cervical Test (Alexander Oshis)
abbr., IT FoxPro Additional screen description file; Scitex CT bitmap; Systems Computer Technology; streaming cartridge tape; subroutine call table; System Construction Tool
abbr., karate. shock capturing finite-difference technique
abbr., med. Sertoli Cell Tumor; Sickle-cell Trait; Society For Clinical Trials; Solid Cystic Tumor; Specialist In Cytotechnology; Star Cancellation Test; Stem Cell Transplantation; Stem Cell Transplant; Silica Clotting Time (harser); stem cell transplantation (трансплантация стволовых клеток kat_j); salmon calcitonin; sickle cell trait; sugar-coated tablet
abbr., mil. Single Channel Transponder; shipping coordination team; single channel transponder
abbr., mil., WMD Sample collection tube; systems contractor training
abbr., NATO Ship Control Team (Nu Zdravstvuy)
abbr., office.equip. Simple Catch Tray (translator911)
abbr., oil short-circuit test; short contact time; sidewall coring tool; sidewall core gun; sonic combination tool; special character table; special clock transmit
abbr., physiol. Static Contraction Training
abbr., progr., IT Software Computer Technology
abbr., railw. Sioux City Terminal Railway
abbr., scient. Systems And Computer Technology
abbr., scottish Societe des Ceramiques Techniques (France)
abbr., space, span. Secretaria de Communicacions y Transportes
energ.ind. shortened construction time; sodium cold trap
meteorol. scattered
mil. single-channel transponder; system compatibility tests
O&G spent caustic tank
tech. scan converter tube; scanning telescope; scattered clouds; signal corps training; single-cassette tape reader; smoothed coherence transform; sonar certification test; step control table; surface-charge transistor; synchro control transformer; system circuit test
sct abbr.
abbr. scout; section; sector
Sct abbr.
abbr. scire licet (Latin for as one may know. Synonymous with “to wit.” Appears at the heading of court documents (вариант предложен пользователем askandy) 4uzhoj)
Sct. abbr.
abbr. scilicet (Latin equvalent for 'to wit'; may be omitted in translation, or translated as "к сведению всех заинтересованных лиц" or something of the kind Tiny Tony); superior court (Krio)
Sct abbr.
lat. Scutum (the Buckler, Щит Vosoni)