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chem. 只读存储器
expl. 只读存储芯片
desert. 罗姆尼羊

noun | abbreviation | to phrases
Rom [rɒm, rɑːm] n
desert. 罗姆尼羊
ROM [rɒm, rɑːm] n
chem. 只读存储器
expl. 只读存储芯片只读存储器芯片是正常运行情况下存储内容只有读出操作,没有写人操作的半导体存储芯片。写人数据后,即使切断电源,ROM 存储内容仍不会消失。是一种非易失性存储器
rom [rɒm, rɑːm] n
gen. 罗姆米•千克•秒制电导率单位
 English thesaurus
Rom. abbr.
abbr. Romanian
abbr., libr. Roman; romance
Rom [rɒm, rɑːm] abbr.
abbr., anim.husb. Romney
abbr., med. Romberg (test)
ROM [rɒm, rɑːm] abbr.
abbr. Read-Only Memory
abbr., adv. run-of-month
abbr., alum. rough order magnitude; run of mine
abbr., auto. rollover mitigation
abbr., chem. ring-opening metathesis
abbr., el. relation object management
abbr., med. range of motion (Dalilah); range of movement (paseal)
abbr., mil. restriction of movement; refueling on the move; refuelling on the move; refuel on the move point
abbr., mining. run-of-mine (vbadalov); Run Of Min
abbr., neurol. range of motion (Ying)
rom [rɒm, rɑːm] abbr.
abbr. reciprocal ohm metre
Rom. abbr.
abbr. Romania (Vosoni); Romilly's Notes of Cases
Rom [rɒm, rɑːm] abbr.
lat. Epistle to the Romans
ROM [rɒm, rɑːm] abbr.
abbr. Read Only Meaning; Read Or Memorize; Really Odd Man; Recent On Machine; Reception and Onward Movement; Refuel On the Move; Regional Oxidant Model; Register Of Merit; Registered Of Meit; Retarded Orange Monkeys; Right Or Maybe; Roaches On Magnets; Roman; Romany; Royal Ontario Museum; run of month; Rupture Of Membrane (as in birth); Rupture Of Membranes
abbr., auto. Roll Over Mitigation (translator911)
abbr., avia. reduced order modeling (bonly)
abbr., chem. red oxide of mercury
abbr., comp., net. read-only memory
abbr., econ. fixed-mask type
abbr., file.ext. Read Only Memory image (emulators - AONs)
abbr., goldmin. run-of-mine (MichaelBurov)
abbr., IT Read - Only Memory; Read Only Memory
abbr., Makarov. resistant organic matter
abbr., med. Range Of Motion; Right Otitis Media
abbr., met. raw ore material
abbr., mil., WMD rough order of magnitude cost estimates
abbr., nano read-only membraneless
abbr., O&G Response Operations Manager (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. rough order of magnitude
abbr., oil run-of-mine ore; run-of-mine coal
abbr., sport. Comite Olympique Roumania
airports, avia. Rome, Italy
mil. radar operator mechanic; range of movement; refuel on-move; research office memorandum
physiol. Range of motion, movement; Romberg test
rude Bitch
tech. reciprocal outer marker; remote operator manipulator
rom. abbr.
lat. Romanus (Romana, "Roman")
polygr. Roman type
: 113 phrases in 17 subjects
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