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RPD abbr.
abbr. Reach Per Dollar; rapid; Rapid Deployment Force; reserves available to support private nonblank deposits (Vosoni); Rocket Propulsion Department (RAE)
abbr., avia. radar prediction device; renewal parts data; review of purchase documents; rocker propulsion department
abbr., busin. reply paid
abbr., dentist. removable partial denture (MichaelBurov)
abbr., earth.sc. radioisotope power devices
abbr., ed., scient. Research And Publication Department
abbr., el. radiated power density; random pulse discrimination; relative pulse delay; repeating pattern detector; research planning diagram; retarding potential difference
abbr., file.ext. Database (RapidFile)
abbr., IT Database
abbr., law Raccon Police Department; Richmond Police Department; Rochester Police Department
abbr., med. Removable Partial Denture; renal pelvic dilatation (Ying); radiopharmaceutical drug (Ying)
abbr., med.appl. radiation producing device (harser)
abbr., mil. Rapid Prototyping Development
abbr., mil., air.def. radar practice device
abbr., mil., avia. radar planning device
abbr., mil., WMD respiratory protective device
abbr., neurol. rapidly progressive dementia (Ying)
abbr., nucl.phys. radiological posting display (peuplier_8)
abbr., numism. Repunched Date
abbr., oil phase difference resistivity; resistance pressure detector; robust product design
abbr., opt. radar planning device
abbr., org.name. Office of Research Promotion and Development
abbr., pharma. recognition-primed decision in risk management theory (BB50)
abbr., physiol. Renal Pelvic Diameter; Right Posterior Descending
abbr., police Road Policing Department
abbr., progr. rapid product development (ssn)
abbr., progr., IT Recurrent Pattern Detection
abbr., qual.cont. relative percent difference (harser)
abbr., scottish Rapid Inertial Alignment
abbr., st.exch. Dispatch Management Services Corporation
account. Repaid
invest. reserves available to support private nonbank deposits
mil. retired pay, defense
tech. reactor plant designer