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ROV abbr.
nautic., tech. 遥控操作的水下作业的潜水器
 English thesaurus
ROV abbr.
abbr., auto. rollover valve
abbr., el. remote-operated vehicle
abbr., mil. remotely operated underwater vehicle (MichaelBurov)
moto. recreational off-highway vehicle (прогулочное внедорожное транспортное средство (новый термин Yamaha) kirobite)
ROV abbr.
abbr. Remote Operated Valve; real options valuation (Alexander Matytsin); rectified oil of vitriol
abbr., auto. Roll Over Valve (клапан защиты от опрокидывания translator911)
abbr., chem. raw oil of vitriol
abbr., earth.sc. remotely operated vehicle
abbr., ed., scient. Remotly Operated Vehicle
abbr., gymn. risk, originality, virtuosity
abbr., IT Rescure Rover Game data
abbr., media. River Of Venom
abbr., nautic. remotely operated vehicle (like a submersible Val_Ships)
abbr., nautic., scient. Relative Ocean Volume
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. remote operated vehicle
abbr., O&G, sakh. Remotely operated valve; remotely operated vehicle (UXO clearance Sakhalin Energy)
abbr., sport. Risk, Originality, and Virtuosity (РОВ - надбавка к оценке в художественной гимнастике 'More); risk, originality and virtuosity
abbr., st.exch. RAYOVAC Corporation
abbr., tech. remotely controlled vehicle
abbr., transp. Remotely Operated Vessel
airports, avia. Rostov, Russia
mil. remote optical viewing; remotely-operated vehicle; repairs to other vessels
: 2 phrases in 1 subject