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 English thesaurus
Pty abbr.
abbr. Party; proprietary company; Proprietary
Pty. abbr.
abbr. proprietary
PTY abbr.
abbr. Panama City, Panama; Program For Talented Youth
abbr., busin. parenty; priority; property
abbr., el. pseudo teletype
abbr., file.ext. Properties (Rational Rose 98)
abbr., hi-fi Program Type
abbr., med. patient treatment year (ННатальЯ)
abbr., oil producer's textured yam
abbr., textile polyester texturised yarn
IT pseudo terminal; Pseudo-Terminal driver
pty abbr.
abbr. parity
abbr., earth.sc. peaty
Pty: 18 phrases in 6 subjects
Company name2
Earth sciences4
International trade4
Name of organization1