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PTH abbr.
anim.husb. 甲状旁腺
met. 中间包等离子体加热; 中间包等离子体加热器 (In addition, the application of PTH also greatly reduced the occurrence of submerged entry nozzle clogging. 此外,使用中间包等离子体加热器还大幅度降低了浸人式水口堵塞的发生。)
 English thesaurus
PTH abbr.
abbr. Plated Through Hole
abbr., avia. Port Heiden, Alaska USA; path; pitch
abbr., chem. phenothiazine; 3-phenyl-2-thiohydantoin
abbr., drug.name Parathyroid hormone
abbr., earth.sc. pressure, temperature, and humidity
abbr., el. pin through-hole technology; plated thru-hole; project team head
abbr., el., scient. Plated through hole
abbr., IT plated-through holes
abbr., lab.eq. ParaThyroid Hormone
abbr., med. Parathormone; Parathyroid; Parathyroid Hormone; Percutaneous Transhepatic Drainage; Phenylthiohydantoin; Plasma Thromboplastin Component; Posttransfusion Hepatitis; parathormone (Vosoni); parathyroid hormone
abbr., media. Photogenic Tilting Handle
abbr., met. plasma tundish heating; plasma tundish heater
abbr., mil., avia. phenylthiohydrant
abbr., oil pressure time high
abbr., PCB plated through-hole (Метран)
abbr., space pressure, temperature, humidity
abbr., textile pier to house
abbr., tradem. Pagan Tea House
comp., IT Portable Thread
tech. plated-through hole
Pth abbr.
abbr. pathology (Vosoni)
PTH: 4 phrases in 3 subjects
Reproductive biology1