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PAE [¾] abbr.
chem. 聚酰胺-环氧氯丙烷树脂
 English thesaurus
PAE [¾] abbr.
abbr. Personnel Aspect Evaluation; Post- Autistic Economics Network; Peer Access Enforcement
abbr., avia. Paine Field, Everett, Washington USA; program analysis and evaluation
abbr., biotechn. Porcine aortic endothelial (cells Altuntash)
abbr., busin. port of air embarkation
abbr., dig.curr. Play-and-Earn (Vicomte)
abbr., el. parity error; phase angle error; photoacoustic effect; physical address executor; plasma-assisted epitaxy; polyazoethene; program address error
abbr., el., scient. Power Added Efficiency
abbr., horticult. plant available elements (Janneke Groeneveld)
abbr., IT Physical Address Extension; Physical Address Extensions; Port Access Entity (Янка)
abbr., med. Pygeum africanum extract (ННатальЯ)
abbr., med., dis. post-antibiotic effect (Игорь_2006)
abbr., mil. Physical Aptitude Exam; Policy Analysis Exercise
abbr., mil., avia. photoacoustic effect
abbr., oil polyamide epoxy-chloropropane; polyamide ester
abbr., pharm. Pseudomonas aeruginosa (в показателях испытаний стабильности на микробиологическую чистоту Germaniya)
abbr., physiol., med. Post-Antibiotic Effect
abbr., qual.cont. process average estimate
abbr., railw. Consolidated Rail Corporation
abbr., scottish Park Air Electronics Ltd (UK); Power-Added Efficiency; Programme Analysis & Evaluation
abbr., space payload accommodations equipment; payload attach equipment
abbr., st.exch. Peace Arch Entertainment Group, Inc.
mil. physical aptitude examination; port of aerial embarkation; preliminary airworthiness evaluation; preventive action engineer; public affairs event
tech. private automatic exchange
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