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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
libr. 在线公共访问目录; 公共联机目录; 公共查询目录; 公共访问目录; 公共检索目录
 English thesaurus
OPAC abbr.
abbr., el. electrooptical analog computer; on-line public access catalog
OPACs abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. online public access catalogues
OPAC abbr.
abbr. Office Proficiency Assessment And Certification; Oh, Please Accept Checks; online public access catalogue; operation assistance
abbr., bible.term., scient. Open Public Access Catalog
abbr., cables optical attached cable
abbr., ed., scient. Online Public Access Catalog
abbr., electr.eng. Off Peak Air Conditioning (Millie); Oval Pipes Air Conditioner (Millie)
abbr., tradem. Ontario Property Assessment Corporation
abbr., traf. Optimization Policies for Adaptive Control (AlexanderGerasimov)
tech. on-line public access catalogue; online payment and collection
OPAC: 5 phrases in 1 subject