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OFS abbr.
avia. 偏移; 偏离; 补偿
 English thesaurus
OFS abbr.
abbr. Oakland Family Services; Ocean Futures Society; Office Furniture System; One Finger Salute; Over Feed Stop; Only For Suckers; Order of Free State; Out For Sex
abbr., afr. Orange Free State
abbr., avia. optical frequency shifter; operational flight school; orbital functional simulator
abbr., BrE Operational Flying School
abbr., busin. offices
abbr., comp., net. office server; optical packet flow switching
abbr., earth.sc. oil from sludge; organic facies sequence
abbr., EBRD Operations File Supervisor (raf)
abbr., el. optical feedback sensitivity; orthogonal fuzzy set (method); outlook for space; out-of frame second
abbr., el., scient. Optical Fiber Sensor; Optical Fiber System
abbr., file.ext. Output Field Separator
abbr., IT Object File System; object file system
abbr., med. Organic Fiber Sterilization
abbr., meteorol. Olympia Film Society
abbr., mus. Our Favorite Soprano
abbr., nautic., scient. Office of Oceanographic Facilities and Support
abbr., oil Oilfield Services (Berta)
abbr., progr., IT Opc Factory Server
abbr., relig. Ordine Francescano Secolare
abbr., scottish Operational Flight Simulator
abbr., space ocean ferret satellite; operations flight software; optical fibre sensor; optical fusing system; orbital flight system; orbiter functional simulator; ocean flight satellite
abbr., sport. Ohio's Future Stars; Orange FoamShell
abbr., textile Our Finest Selection
abbr., tradem. Oil Field Services; Original Future Sounds; Overseas Financial Services
mil. optical fuzing system
tech. octave filter set; on-board flight software
OFS driver abbr.
abbr. off for security (/(водитель) (для) в чрезвычайных ситуациях/ Sasha_W)
ofs abbr.
abbr. offset