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hydroel.st. 测量
tech. 措施; 量度
gen. 措施
auto. 救生措施
busin. 量度; 指标
China polit. 举措
interntl.trade. 尺码
| taken
sport. 赢得
| to
| reduce
met. 降低
| the
| probability
hydroel.st. 概率
| of
| and
| to
| minimize
cosmet. 使减到最少
| the
| effects
environ. 影响
| of
| damage
gen. 损失
| caused by
 caused by
gen. 起因于
| hostile action
 hostile action
UN tech. 敌对行动
| without
gen. 未经
| the
| intention
gen. 动机
| of
| taking
econ. 收益
| the
| initiative
gen. 进取心
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | verb | adjective | to phrases
measure ['meʒə] n
gen. 尺寸〔度〕; 数〔度,重〕 量; 数〔度量〕值; 测量〔定〕; 估〔衡,计,度〕量; 度量〔容积,长度〕单位; 度量标准; 量器〔具〕; 计量槽; 节拍; 拍子; 韵律; 度量〔计量〕方法; 公约数; 矿〔煤,地〕层; 层组〔系〕; ; 本分; 份儿
adv. 栏宽; 行高
agric. 量度单位; 量度器; 步骤; 对策
auto. 度量单位标准; ;
bridg.constr. 大小; 量测
busin. 尺码;
dril. 量器; ;
earth.sc. 层组; 计算方法
econ. 重量; 度量法; 程度; 范围; 衡量标准; 某长度等测量
eng.geol. 量測
expl. 板材度量
geophys. 度量
hydroel.st. 测量; 比例尺; 测定; 计量单位
met. 办法; 标准; 限度
qual.cont. 手段; 方法
radio.amat. 测量
sport. 尺寸
tech. 措施; 量度; 尺度; 计量; 测度; 板积计
telecom. 测量值
textile 量具; 量身
measures n
gen. 措施
measure ['meʒə] v
gen. ; 衡量; 测,计,度,估; 估计; 酌量; 打量; 判断; 有…长〔宽,高等〕; 使均衡; 划分; 分派; 配给
commer. 调节
fig.skat. 小节
petanq. 丈量
measured ['meʒəd] v
expl. 测量measure 的过去式和过去分词
measuring The ability of the analytical method or protocol to quantify as well as identify the presence of the substance in question ['meʒərɪŋ] v
environ. 测量 (量化和识别物质的分析方法或协议的能力。)
measuring ['meʒərɪŋ] v
expl. 测量measure 的现在分词
measures adj.
auto. 救生措施
busin. 量度; 指标
China, polit. 举措
interntl.trade. 尺码
oil 层系; 层组
 English thesaurus
measure ['meʒə] abbr.
abbr., polym. meas
IT A standard used to evaluate and communicate performance against expected results (Measures are normally quantitative in nature capturing numbers, dollars, percentages, etc., but can also address qualitative information such as customer satisfaction. Reporting and monitoring measures help an enterprise gauge progress toward effective implementation of strategy)
MEASURE ['meʒə] abbr.
abbr., scottish METOC Air, Surface, Undersea Reporting Equipment
Measures taken to
: 5 phrases in 2 subjects