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ISI abbr.
abbr., auto. ion sensing ignition
abbr., avia. Integrated Safety Investigation; initial system installation; integrated standby instrument; interface signal list; interim support item
abbr., el. Image System Inc.; information structure implementation; instruction status indicator; insulator-semiconductor-insulator structure; integrated services Internet; Integrated Solutions Inc.; internal stream identifier; inter-symbol interference; ion-induced secondary ions; Institute of Scientific Information
abbr., fin. International Statistical Institute
abbr., forestr. initial spread index
abbr., IT intelligent standard interface; intersymbol interference; Information Society Index
abbr., media. inter system interface
abbr., org.name. Iron & Steel Institute
abbr., progr. integer status information (ssn)
abbr., telecom. Inter-Symbol Interface
mil., abbr. initial support increments; injury severity index; instrumentation support instruction
tech., abbr. initial specific impulse
ISI abbr.
abbr. Institute for Scientific Information; Ibm Smartcard Identification; In-Service Incentive; Information Society Initiative (UK); Integrity Smartness And Intellect; information service industry; Indian Standardization Institute
abbr., avia. international sales indicator
abbr., avia., med. intersignal interval
abbr., chem. ion source injector
abbr., earth.sc. impact strength index; industry standard item; Institute for Seismic Investigations Managua; International Standardization Institute; interpretation system incorporated; Iron and Steel Institute; Israel Standards Institute
abbr., ed., scient. Indian Statistical Institute
abbr., file.ext. Internally Specified Index
abbr., fin. investor settlement instruction
abbr., IT Inter Symbol Interference; Inter-System Interface (межсистемный интерфейс Азери)
abbr., lab.eq. International Sensitivity Index
abbr., med. Insomnia Screening Index
abbr., mil. Inter Services Intelligence; Inter-Services Intelligence
abbr., mil., WMD in-service inspection
abbr., O&G, tengiz. Isolated Slag Inclusion (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., oil initial shut-in (pressure); inelastic silicon; interactive standard interface; International Standards Institution
abbr., opt. infrared signature imaging
abbr., physiol. inter-stimulus intervals (Игорь_2006); Inter-Stimulus Interval
abbr., physiol., med. Insulin Sensitivity Index
abbr., polit. Import Substitution Industrialization
abbr., qual.cont. Indian Standards Institute
abbr., scottish Indian Standards Institution; Inter-Service Intelligence directorate (Pakistan)
abbr., space ImageSat International
abbr., textile industrial standard item
abbr., tradem. Information Services International
abbr., UN International Space Inspectorate