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HAc n
chem. 醋酸; 乙酸
 English thesaurus
HAc abbr.
abbr., med. hemagglutinin activity of chick
HAC abbr.
abbr. Hague Arbitration Convention; Heard All Continents; Hierarchical Access Control; High Alumina Cement (Yeldar Azanbayev); Historical Area Coverage; Hughes Aircraft Company
abbr., auto. Hillstart Assist Control (Hiema); high altitude compensator; hillstart assist system (Yeldar Azanbayev); hill start assist control
abbr., avia. Helicopter Association of Canada; hover/approach coupler; high speed analogue computer
abbr., biotechn. human artificial chromosome
abbr., BrE Home Air Command; Honourable Artillery Company
abbr., el. hardware address control; hierarchical abstract computer
abbr., gen.eng. Human artificial chromosome (Игорь_2006)
abbr., med. Hospital-acquired condition
abbr., mil. helicopter aircraft commander; human intelligence analysis cell
abbr., nucl.pow. hypothetical accident conditions (Boris54)
abbr., oncol. Hepatic Arterial Chemotherapy
abbr., physiol. HyperAdrenoCorticism
abbr., scottish Helicoptere Anti-Char (Anti-armour helicopter (France)); Higher Authority Communications; House Appropriations Committee (USA); Hover / Approach Coupler; Hughes Aircraft Co. (USA)
abbr., sec.sys. Hazardous Area Classification (ixtra)
abbr., silic. high-alumina cement
abbr., tax. HAWB charge (Yuriy83); house air waybill charge (Yuriy83)
energ.ind. hydrogen-assisted cracking
mil. heavy antitank convoy; heavy attack aircraft commander; helicopter aircrew commander; high acceleration cockpit
tech. heading alignment circle; heading alignment circle cylinder; hearing aid with compression; high angle conveyor; horizontal aperture correction; horizontal aperture corrector
HACS abbr.
abbr., IT Hendersonville Area Computer Society
abbr., med. Hazard-Assessment Computer System; Hyperactive Child Syndrome
abbr., mil., avia. high angle control section
abbr., scient. Health And Community Studies
abbr., transp. Hazard Assessment Computer System
Hac abbr.
abbr. acetic acid
HAC abbr.
abbr. Hughes Aircraft Co.
abbr., avia. high altitude calibration; high altitude chart
abbr., commer. Hughes Aircraft Corporation
abbr., earth.sc. high-aluminous concrete
abbr., oil humic acid carbon; hydroxy-acid chloride
abbr., space heading alignment cylinder
abbr., tech. Hearing Aid Compatible (Баян)
HAc: 5 phrases in 3 subjects