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GFD abbr.
abbr. General Food Distribution (Дюнан); General Freight Department; general food distribution
abbr., avia. government furnished data; general form die
abbr., earth.sc. gal/ ft²/day; general finite-difference
abbr., ed., scient. Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
abbr., el. generalized feedback decoding; generalized focusing diffractometer
abbr., electr.eng. earth detector (MichaelBurov); earth fault detector (MichaelBurov); ground detector (MichaelBurov); ground fault detector (MichaelBurov); EFD (MichaelBurov)
abbr., med. Gingival Fibromatosis-progressive Deafness (syndrome); Gluten-free Diet
abbr., mil., avia. gap filler data
abbr., oil gallons per square foot per day
abbr., scottish Ground Fault Detector
abbr., st.exch. Good For the Day; Guilford MLS, Inc.
abbr., textile Gothic Fitted Dress
abbr., water.suppl. Gallons per Square Foot of membrane per Day
mil. gap-filler data; general functional description; government-furnished data; government-furnished documentation
tech. gap-filter data; gas-filled diode
gfd abbr.
abbr. gallons per foot per day
hydraul. gallons per square foot per day (галлоны на квадратный дюйм в сутки wrsp)