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Exclusive Economic Zone [ɪk'sklu:sɪv'ekə'nɔmɪk'zəun]
busin. 经济特区
UN, geol. 专属经济区
exclusive economic zone [ɪk'sklu:sɪv'ekə'nɔmɪk'zəun]
busin. 专属经济区指一国领海外划定的最高200 海里的专属经济区
tech. 专管经济区 (二百海里内)
exclusive economic zones
earth.sc. 专属经济带; 经济特区
 English thesaurus
exclusive economic zone [ɪk'sklu:sɪv'ekə'nɔmɪk'zəun]
USA A maritime zone adjacent to the territorial sea that may not extend beyond 200 nautical miles from the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea is measured (JP 3-15)
Exclusive Economic Zone
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects
Name of organization2