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Eur abbr.
abbr. Europe; European
Eur. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. Europe
EUR abbr.
abbr. European Utilities Requirements; European Atomic Energy Community (ATOM)
abbr., auto. European Union
abbr., avia. equipment's use rate
abbr., commun. European Currency (EURO)
abbr., earth.sc. equivalent uniform roughness; European Datum
abbr., environ. Estimated Ultimate Recovery
abbr., fin. Euro; European Department
abbr., IT Estimated Ultimately Recoverable
abbr., mil. Emergency Unsatisfactory Report; European
abbr., mil., air.def. Eureka
abbr., O&G estimated ultimate recovery (MichaelBurov)
abbr., oil end usable resource; estimated ultimate recovery; estimated ultimate reserve
abbr., polym. polyurethane ether rubber
abbr., scient. European Utility Requirements
abbr., transp. European Region
energ.ind. enriched uranium reactor
mil. electrically-transmitted unsatisfactory report; emergency unsatisfactory report; equipment unsatisfactory report
Eur: 4 phrases in 3 subjects
Name of organization1