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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
Eon ['iːən] n
eon ['iːən] n
gen. 地质时代; 永世; 亿阳时间单位,等于 10⁹ 年
eng.geol. 地质; 时代; 年纪
oil 极长时期
space 十亿年
tech. ; 极长期
EoN ['iːən] n
IT 网络边际 (edge of network)
 English thesaurus
EON ['iːən] abbr.
abbr. Edaran Otomobil National; Edge Of The Network; AMRAAM Engagement Order Number; Enhanced Other Networks (RDS)
abbr., auto. engine octane number
abbr., el. enhanced optical network
abbr., energ.ind. energisation operational notification (Boris54)
abbr., inet. Everything Or Nothing
abbr., media. enhanced other network
tech. end of number
eon ['iːən] n
geochron. aeon (MichaelBurov)
EoN ['iːən] abbr.
abbr. edge of network
EONS abbr.
abbr., med. European Oncology Nursing Society
EON ['iːən] abbr.
abbr., oil ethylene oxide number
abbr., procur. End Of Negotiations Report (ipesochinskaya)
: 5 phrases in 2 subjects
Engineering geology1
Oil / petroleum4