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EOP abbr.
abbr. Emergency Operating Procedure; Empire Of Pokemon; English Only Policy; Equal Opportunity Program; EITHER-OR problem; end of part; End Of Procedure (Fax); emergency observation post; efficiency of plating
abbr., avia. engine operating point; experiment off opportunity payload
abbr., earth.sc. Earth Observation Program; earth orientation parameters; experimental operating procedure; experimental oscillating platform
abbr., ed. Education Opportunity Program; Educational Opportunity Program
abbr., ed., scient. English For Occupational Purposes
abbr., el. electrooptical parameter; electro-optical processor; electrooptic prism; end of package; end of packet; enhanced overpressure proximity technique; equipment operations procedure; experimental operational procedure
abbr., gynecol. end of pregnancy (iwona)
abbr., IT End Of Processing; End Of Production; End Of Program; end of output; end of procedures; end of program
abbr., lab.eq. Equivalent Oxygen Percentage
abbr., level. end of probe (Метран)
abbr., math., scient. End Of Plane
abbr., med. external occipital protuberance (inspirado); endogenous opiate peptides
abbr., meteorol. End Of Paragraph
abbr., mil. Emergency Operating Procedures; Executive Office of the President; Electro-Optic Processor; emergency operating procedures; Enhanced Opportunity Partnership
abbr., mil., avia. Earth observation program
abbr., mil., WMD emergency operating plan; Emergency operating procedure
abbr., nucl.pow. emergency operating procedure (MichaelBurov)
abbr., oil effective overburden pressure; end of pipe; equipment operational procedure; even number predominance; extra over price; extreme overbalance perforating
abbr., scottish Emergency Off-take Point; Engine Oil Pressure
abbr., space earth orbit plane; experiment of opportunity payload
abbr., st.exch. Equity Office Properties Trust
comp., IT End of Procedure
energ.ind. emergency overspeed protection
mil. emergency operations plan; engineering operating procedure; equal opportunity program; equipment operating procedure
tech. electronic overload protection; electrooptical projector; emergency oil pump; end of paper signal; end of period; end of process character
EOP: 2 phrases in 1 subject
Oil / petroleum2