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noun | adjective
Coelenterate [siˌlentə'reitə] n
life.sc. 腔肠动物门
coelenterate [siˌlentə'reitə] n
agric. 腔肠动物的 (coelenteratus)
life.sc. 腔肠动物的; 腔肠动物; 腔肠动物和栉水母动物的总称
coelenterate [si:'lentəreit] adj.
gen. 腔肠动物
coelenterate Animals that have a single body cavity (the coelenteron). The name was formerly given to a phylum comprising the Cnidaria and Ctenophora, but these are now regarded as phyla in their own right, and the name Coelenterata has fallen from use, although it is sometimes used as a synonym for Cnidaria [si:'lentəreit] adj.
environ. 腔肠动物 (单体腔(体肠腔)的动物,这个名称以前是腔肠动物和栉水动物的总称,现在各自成为独立的门。但现在Coelenterata这个名称已不再使用,尽管有时也还被用作腔肠动物的同义词。)