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Capri ['kɑːprɪ] n
gen. 意大利卡普里岛葡萄酒,蓝
textile 卡布里裤意大利
Capri blue ['kɑːprɪ] n
textile 卡普里蓝绿蓝色
capri- n
anim.husb. 山羊
 English thesaurus
CAPRI ['kɑːprɪ] abbr.
abbr., avia. compact all purpose range instrument; computerized analysis for programming investments
abbr., biotechn. Critical Assessment of Prediction of Interaction (Altuntash)
abbr., el. coded address private radio intercommunication
abbr., med. Cardiopulmonary Research Institute
abbr., mil., avia. coded address private radio intercom; coded address private radio intercommunication
abbr., scottish Coded Address Private Radio Intercom
mil. compact all-purpose range instrument; computerized advanced personnel requirements information
tech. coded address private radio intercom system; compact all-purpose range instrumentation; computerized advance personnel requirements information system
Capri: 14 phrases in 3 subjects
Textile industry11