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CBN abbr.
repr.biol. 生化命名法委员会
 English thesaurus
CBN abbr.
abbr. cubic boron nitride
abbr., avia. Cirebon, Indonesia; code beacon; customer block number
abbr., chem., scient. Commission on Biochemical Nomenclature; Cubic Boron Nitride
abbr., el. cubic boron nitride (crystal); code bit number variation
abbr., isol. common bonding network
abbr., IT Call By Name
abbr., med. Cancer Biotherapeutics Newsletter; cannabinol (Maggotka); Commission on Biological Nomenclature
abbr., mil. Chemical Biological Nuclear
abbr., oil Columbian Carbon Company
abbr., pest.contr. cassava bacterial necrosis
abbr., relig. Christian Broadcasting Network
abbr., st.exch. Cornerstone Bancorp, Inc.
abbr., telecom. Common Bonding Network (harser)
mil. chemical, biological, nuclear; construction battalion
cbn abbr.
abbr. cabin; carbine
: 17 phrases in 2 subjects
Name of organization2