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Bower-Barff process
met. 【钢】 鲍尔-巴尔夫表面处理法 (Bower-Barff process In this process the steel is heated to about 800°C for twenty minutes, first in contact with air and then in super heated steam. A coating consisting of a mixture of Fe₂O₃ and Fe₃ O₄ is formed, after which heating is continued in a producer gas atmosphere which converts coating entirely to Fe₃ O₄. This coating has high durability owing to the fact that both the underlying metal and the oxide have similar coefficients of expansion. 鲍尔-巴尔夫表面处理法:采用此法时,在20分钟内将钢件加热到 800°C 后,先让其与空气接触,再送入过热蒸汽中,此时在钢件表面形成由 Fe₂O₃ 和 Fe₃O₄ 混合物组成的覆盖层。继续在发生炉煤气气氛中加热,整个覆盖层即全部转化为 Fe₃O₄。 因为基体金属与氧化物涂层的膨胀系数基本相同,所以,这种覆盖层经久耐用。); 鲍尔-巴尔夫法
tech. 钢材防蚀的鲍威尔一巴夫法; 鲍威尔一巴尔夫钢林锈
Bower-Barff Process
ecol. 鲍威-巴尔伏法钢铁防锈防腐处理