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BLR abbr.
sport. 白俄罗斯 (National Olympic Committee)
 English thesaurus
BLR abbr.
abbr. Base Lending Rate; Buyer Lessee Renter; block loss ratio
abbr., acoust. bottom-limited ray
abbr., astrophys. broad-line region (MichaelBurov)
abbr., auto. blower
abbr., busin. base lending rale; best lending rate
abbr., el. basic and long-term research; Bell Laboratory Record; bi-layer resist; blocking request
abbr., fin. base lending rate
abbr., IT Binary Language Representation
abbr., media. Business And Legal Reports
abbr., mil. Breach Loading Rifle; Browning Lever Rifle
abbr., mil., avia. Ballistic Research Laboratories
abbr., nucl.phys. baseline restorer
abbr., oil Byelorussia
abbr., scottish Beyond Local Repair (UK); Blindado Ligero de Ruedas (Spain); Breech Loading Rifle
airports, avia. Bangalore, India
mil. beyond local repair; bomb line report; bomber light, reconnaissance; breech-loading rifled
tech. barrier layer rectifier; black level restitution
blr abbr.
met. boiler
O&G bailer