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BHP abbr.
el.mach. 英制马力 (1BHP = 745.7W)
bHP abbr.
el.mach. 制动马力
 English thesaurus
BHP abbr.
abbr. Bloody Huge Profits; Brake Horse Power; British Horsepower Please; bottom hole pressure (MichaelBurov); bottom-hole pressure (MichaelBurov); bottomhole pressure (MichaelBurov); Break Horse Power; belt horsepower; авто. brake horsepower
abbr., chem. N-nitrosobis2-hydroxypropylamine (Игорь_2006)
abbr., comp.name. Broken Hill Proprietary Co., Ltd.
abbr., dril. bottomhole pressure (usually measured with a pressure bomb on a wireline); bottom hole pattern
abbr., earth.sc. British horse power
abbr., el., scient. Butler Hybrid Phasing
abbr., endocr. benign prostatic hyperplasia (Баян)
abbr., med. Best Hospital Practice (harser)
abbr., mil. Browning High Power
abbr., mil., avia. boiler horsepower
abbr., O&G bottom-hole pressure (Alexander Demidov)
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. bottom hole pressure
abbr., O&G, sakh. bottomhole pressure
abbr., oil bottom-hole pump (andrushin); brake horse power; big hole perforator; boiler horsepower; bottom-hole pattern; tert- butyl hydroperoxide
abbr., physiol., med. Benign Hypertrophic Prostate
abbr., railw. BHP Nevada Railroad Company
abbr., space basic hydrogen peroxide
abbr., st.exch. Broken Hill Proprietary, LTD.
abbr., tradem. Big Hurt Productions; Broken Hill Properties; Broken Hill Proprietary; Broken Hill Pty; Byron Hetzler Photography
abbr., transp. Brake HorsePower
tech. biological hazard potential; bottom hole pump; buffered hydrofluoric acid
bhp. abbr.
abbr. boiler horse power; British horse power
bhp abbr.
abbr. British Horsepower (алешаBG); brake horsepower
Bhp abbr.
engin. Brake horsepower (Natalya Rovina)
: 12 phrases in 5 subjects
Company name4
Oil / petroleum1