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ATA ['ætə] n
chem. 红三羧酸
ata ['ætə] n
gen. 阿泰绝对大气压单位; 绝对气压
tech. 阿泰
textile 犹太教男士晨祷披巾
 English thesaurus
Ata abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. ataxite
ATA abbr.
abbr. amitrole; aminotriazole
abbr., anim.husb. Animal Technicians' Association; America Tree Association
abbr., auto. air-to-air intercooled; anti-theft alarm; Automotive Transport Association
abbr., chem. aluminon
abbr., logist. Admission Temporaire and Temporary Admission
abbr., mil. Army Transportation Association
ata. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. atmosphere absolute
ATAE abbr.
abbr., el. associated telephone answering exchanges
abbr., IT advanced telecom application environment
ATa abbr.
abbr., soil. aric anthrosol
ATA abbr.
abbr. air to air; air transport, auxiliary; American Taxicab Association; American Transit Association; Applied Technology Associates, Inc.; auxiliary transport aviation; A Tired American; Advanced Technology Architecture; Agrarische Termijnmarkt Amsterdam (Netherlands Franka_LV); Also Translated As; Arrival Times Approximate
abbr., auto. American Tracking Association
abbr., avia. automatic terrain avoidance; Air Transport Association of America; airport traffic area; assembly terminal assignment; assigned time of arrival; automated target acquisition
abbr., avia., med. absolute atmosphere
abbr., busin. atmosphere, absolute; auxiliary ocean tug
abbr., cardiol. atrial tachy-arrhythmia (MichaelBurov); atrial tachyarrhythmia (MichaelBurov)
abbr., chem. aurintricarbonic acid
abbr., commer. American Transport Association; ATA carnet
abbr., commun. Analog Telephony Adaptor (Olga_Lari)
abbr., comp. Advanced Technology AT Attachment (Vosoni)
abbr., comp., IT Analog Telephone Adaptor
abbr., comp., net. AT attachment
abbr., econ. American Trucking Association,Inc.; Admission Temporaire (Seregaboss); Temporary Admission (Seregaboss)
abbr., ed. application-theory-application (метод обучения Yanick)
abbr., el. advanced technology attachment (card); advanced telemedicine application; antenna train angle; audit trail and alarm; automatic trouble analysis; azimuth torque amplifier
abbr., hi-fi Automatic Tuner Activator
abbr., IT Analog Telephone Adapter
abbr., med. aurintricarboxylic acid; American Telemedicine Association; alimentary toxic aleukia (Игорь_2006); anterior tibial artery (harser); anti-therapeutic antibody (intern); antithyroglobulin antibodies; anti-toxoplasma antibodies; tetanus antitoxin
abbr., mil. Army Technical Architecture; Airlift Tanker Association
abbr., NATO Atlantic Treaty Association
abbr., oil air-to-air (intercooled); American Trucking Association; Antarctica; antifouling agent; atmosphere absolute; accrued treasury assets
abbr., polym. aurin-tricarbonic acid
abbr., progr. AcceleraTed hub Architecture (ssn); advanced technology attachment (ssn); American Translators Association (ssn); AT attachment (ssn); accelerated hub architecture (AcceleraTed hub Architecture ssn)
abbr., scottish Advanced Test Accelerator; Automatic Target Acquisition; Auxiliary Ocean Tug (USA)
abbr., sec.sys., IT Advanced Technology Attachment
abbr., space asynchronous terminal adapter; automatic threat alert; automatic threshold adjust
abbr., tech. air turbine alternator
abbr., tel. analog terminal adapter (Dmitry)
abbr., textile appropriation transfer account
abbr., tradem. American Trans Air
abbr., transp. Air Transport Association; American Trucking Associations
abbr., UN, afghan. Afghan Transitional Authority
law Asset Transfer Agreement ('More)
mil. actual time of arrival
mil., abbr. additional training assembly; advanced tactical aircraft; air training advisor; air training area; air transport auxiliary; air-to-air; automatic track acquisition; automatic tracking antenna; auxiliary timer assembly; aviation training aids; Ocean Tug
tech., abbr. ammonium triacetate; attention active; avionics test article; azimuth torquer amplifier
: 21 phrases in 13 subjects
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Project management1
United Nations1