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Anno Domini ['ænəu'dɔmɪnaɪ]
gen. 〔拉丁语〕公元 (A. D.)
desert. 纪元
econ. 纪元 (in the year of Lord;since the birth of Christ)
oil 公元
 English thesaurus
Anno Domini ['ænəu'dɔmɪnaɪ]
abbr. CE (MichaelBurov); C.E. (MichaelBurov); since the beginning of Christian era (Vadim Rouminsky); since the beginning of Christian chronology (Vadim Rouminsky)
abbr., relig., lat. A.D. ("year of our Lord")
IT, abbr. AD (in the year of our Lord)
lat. since the Birth of the Christ (Vadim Rouminsky); the year of our God Jesus Christ (Vadim Rouminsky)
Anno Domini in the year of our Lord ['ænəu'dɔmɪnaɪ]
abbr. AD