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AGL abbr.
org.name. 土地及水利开发司
 English thesaurus
AGL abbr.
abbr. Acute Granulocytic Leukaemia; Altitude Above Ground Level; air-ground liaison code; airborn gun laying (radar)
abbr., avia. Wanigela, Papua New Guinea; above ground level (MichaelBurov); Airfield Ground Lighting System; altitude above ground level; approach guidance lights; aeronautical ground light; air force geophysical laboratory; air ground liaison; air to ground level; airborne gun layer; automatic gun laying
abbr., avia., transp. above groundlevel
abbr., busin. angle
abbr., earth.sc. Allied Geophysical Laboratories
abbr., inet. Australian Gas Light
abbr., Makarov. above ground level, agl
abbr., meteorol. Acute Granulocytic Leukemia; Agglutination; Aminoglutethimide; Anterior Glenoid Labrum; Association De Gestion Des Libéraux
abbr., mil. Above Ground Level
abbr., oil Allied Geophysical Laboratory
abbr., org.name. Division de la mise en valeur des terres et des eaux; Divisione valorizzazione delle terre e delle acque
abbr., physiol., med. Acute granulocytic leukemia
abbr., scottish Airborne Gun Laying (radar); Arbeitsgemeinschaft Luftfahrt-Ausrustung; Automatic Grenade Launcher
abbr., space absolute ground level
energ.ind. above-ground level
mil. automatic gun layer; automatic gun-laying; Buoy Tender
mil., abbr. above ground level
NYSE., st.exch. Angelica Corporation
tech. airborne gun-laying radar; argon gas laser; argon glow lamp
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects
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