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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
-eta n
gen. 的复数
-etum n
gen. 的复数; 某种植物的群落〔种植园地〕
Eta ['i:tə] n
pharm. 爱大霉素 (硫酸依替米星 (etimicin sulfate) 注射剂商品名;氨基苷类抗生素)
ETA ['i:tə] abbr.
busin. 预计抵达日 (Estimated Time of Arrival)
 English thesaurus
eta. abbr.
abbr., econ. estimated time of arrival
ETA ['i:tə] abbr.
abbr. Electronic Transfer Account; Employment and Training Administration; Empty Tank Alert; Engelbert Tristram Award; English Teaching Assistant; English Translation Award; Enquiry Taxpayer Amendment; Equality To All; Electronic Travel Authority System (возможность "безвизового" пребывания в Австралии не более 3-х месяцев для граждан отдельных государств; Australia Aureole); English Teachers Association; European Teachers Association; European Tugowners Association; Experimental Test Accelerator; Excise Tax Act (Канада shpak_07); endothelin receptor type A (Liza G.); Euskodi Ta Azkatasuna
abbr., avia. Equipment Task Analysis; elapsed time of arrival; engine thermodynamic analyzer; exception time accounting
abbr., bank. Electronic Transactions Association (Ассоциация компаний, предлагающих продукты и услуги электронной обработки платежей touzoku)
abbr., comp.name. European Tallying Association
abbr., ed. Explore Think Act
abbr., el. electrical test automation (system); electrothermal atomization; execution time analysis
abbr., geol., scient. Erroding Terrain Asilar
abbr., inet. Edited To Add
abbr., IT Ebcdic To Ascii
abbr., law Electronic Transactions Act
abbr., manag. Event Tree Analysis (peuplier_8)
abbr., meteorol. eicosatetraenoic acid (sawko); European Thyroid Association (tania_mouse)
abbr., mil. Engine Temperature Alarm; Estimated Time of Arrival; estimated time of arrival
abbr., O&G expected time of arrival
abbr., oil tanker emergency towing equipment; expected to arrive
abbr., org.name. Enzyme Technical Association
abbr., police Expected Time of Arrival
abbr., polym. electretic-thermal analysis; electrothermal analysis
abbr., reliabil. event tree analysis
abbr., scottish Euzkadi Ta Askatasuna (Basque separatist group (Spain))
abbr., shipb. estimated time arrival
abbr., st.exch. Entrade, Inc.
abbr., well.contr. expected arrival time
meteorol. ascend
mil. engineering task assignment; equivalent target area; estimated time of acquisition; execution time accounting; expect to arrive
tech. equipment transfer aisle; ethanol toluene azeotrope
Игорь Миг, abbr. electronic transfer account
Eta ['i:tə] abbr.
abbr., med. ethionamide
ETA ['i:tə] abbr.
abbr. Equipment Type Approval (rootsman)
abbr., avia. effective turn angle; ejector thrust augmentor; estimate
abbr., chem. ethanolamine
abbr., earth.sc. ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid
abbr., oil emanation thermal analysis; exact time of arrival; extended tubing perforating
abbr., space environmental test article
abbr., tech. estimate time of arrival
: 14 phrases in 8 subjects
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